lördag 16 augusti 2008

Så tycker jänkarna om Ara

När en snubbe kastar OS-medaljen direkt efter prisutdelningen är det klart det blir en världsomspännande nyhet. Även om det är en svensk och sporten är brottning. Jag bestämde mig för att ta reda på vad amerikanerna tycker om Ara Abrahamian, hans agerande på prispallen och IOK:s beslut att ta ifrån honom medaljen. Här är några av kommentarerna från läsarna på ESPN.com:

"He's not worried about the bronze medal anyways, it was the gold he was robbed on. F the IOC"
- kramerkry471

"It's good to strip the medal to send a message but if you think you deserved better then all that medal is is a piece of metal. That's it and i don't think he is going to regret them taking it away. They need a better system for grievances. I also think the games is diminished. It would be nice if judges would not have biases and that everyone was on a level playing field going into the Olympics but after watching these Olympics I have seen a lot of biases and it happens every time."
- Combat Jump

"I don't like his behavior either, it's PROBABLY not what I would have done. But since when do we get to demand that people act just like we do when they feel a lifelong dream has been stolen from them. It amazes me at the people who say it would be fine if he was banned for life. That the precious IOC is in charge so if we don't like it, we just stop competing and trying. If that was a viable attitude, we'd all still be having tea and crumpets every afternoon and Georgia would still be part of the USSR. I'd still be poor because the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Yes, I MYSELF, would have went about it in a different way, but it is a sad day when someone who feels they are robbed can't say I think I got robbed. Especially if he gets robbed by a known thief and criminal."
- Babone001

"lmao If some of you don't like these international sports organization this much, why bother watching or commenting? This is about ONE moron's response to what HE percieved as unfair. Comparing that to the IOC as a whole is just silly."
- gravyboat63

"Sometimes the only way to make your point is to use a politically incorrect path. I applaud this wrestler for having the balls to protest and challenge the status quo"

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